Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe
Old School Photos and Memorabilia
Historical Documents
History of the Royal Grammar School High Wycombe, 1562-1962 - the 126-page official history of the school, written by LJ Ashford and CM Haworth and published by the school in 1962, is available as a viewable/downloadable PDF file (5.31MBS).
The Wycombiensian (PDFs) - more than 60 complete issues of the school magazine The Wycombiensian, ranging from one of the earliest issues in 1906 through to 1972. Readable online or downloadable. If you have Wycombiensians that do not appear in this collection and you are willing to loan them for scanning, please contact me.
Grey Books - the School List (more familiarly, "Grey Book") was published every year listing the names of staff and pupils who were at the school in a given year, with details of school societies, CCF officers, etc. More than 30 Grey Books, from 1913 to 1970/71. If you have Grey Books that do not appear in this collection and you are willing to loan them for scanning, please contact me.
Speech Day Programmes - click here for scans of these very informative items which (among other things) list the universities where people went after leaving the RGS, as well as who won what school prize.
List of RGS Masters, up to 1972 - chronological list of every master who taught at the school from the foundation of the school until 1972, with date of appointment, date of leaving, subject(s) taught and in some cases dates of birth, death, biographical data and links to further information. Inevitably incomplete - any help with additional information welcome.
School Honours Board, 1907-75 - List of boys winning university academic awards, with some biographical details.
Scandal Magazine, issues 7-18 - a sort of alternative school magazine, by the boys (and girls, of the Wycombe High School) for same, dating from the late 1950s. David Garnett, its founding editor, provides some background here.
Archive of OW Newsletters and Magazines - a lot of the Old Boys' newsletters and communications seem to have disappeared from the school's official website, so I have attempted to link to them where they appear in internet archives ('the Wayback machine').
1930-33 Minutes of RGS Prefects Meetings (PDF) - a 50-page document produced by the school's history department some years ago recording the prefects' punishment book from October 1930 to December 1933.
The 1950s Snowball Battle: Prefects vs School - a favourite subject for (very) old boys' reminiscences is the notorious incident in about 1955 when a snowball fight between the prefects and the rest of the school got out of hand. Even more memorable was the response of the authorities - a mass caning. Various versions of events and comments have been collected here.
Long-Serving Masters of the Tucker Era - from an appendix in the 1962 School History.
1960 O-Level and 1962 A-Level Exams - sample the delights(?) of some ancient exam papers...
1961 School Prospectus (PDF) - learn what early 1960s boys and parents were told about the school and how they were expected to behave (PDF file, 2.02mbs - you may have to rotate it using your browser/PDF handler to read). Contributed by Graham Smith.
MORE PHOTOGRAPHS (links to Sports photos • Form Photos • Opera & Drama)
1962 - HM the Queen's Visit, 6 April: Souvenir Programme and Detailed Plan
1966 Obituary of Mr JCR Davies (RGS master, 1959-66), with info supplied by Peter Davies
1965 (March): E.R. Tucker Memorial Appeal (PDF) - kindly contributed by Graham Poole (PDF 319kb)
School House
1950 photo of Ken Platt, John Birch and Michael George - submitted by Michael George, August 2022
Tyler's Wood Boarding House
Tony Wood's photos of the 1950s and 1960s - more relaxed than other photos on the website, featuring small boys flicking V-signs at the camera(!), Tylers Wood boarders, CCF/RN trips and lots more besides. Many thanks to Tony Wood (RGS 1954-61) for sharing these photos with us.
Mark Forrester's photos of the 1950s and 1960s - similar to Tony Wood's collection, centring on Tyler's Wood in about 1959/60.
Mid-1950s Tyler's Wood Boarding House photos - an informal selection from Michael Claridge
1955 Tyler's Wood Boarding House group photo - borrowed from the Old Boys' Newsletter, 2007.
1959 Tyler's Wood Boarding House group photo - kindly contributed by Mark Forrester.
Uplyme Boarding House
1959, 1960 and 1962 - three CCF Band photos - kindly provided by Peter Archer. EDITED (2014): three photos from 1960 added, provided by Ian Bevan.
Ian Cole's CCF photos, 1969-71 - a slightly later generation of boys in these photos and not many have been identified so far. Many thanks to Ian Cole (RGS 1965-71) for sharing these photos with us.
Steve Mallows' Photos from the 1970s - some photos submitted by Steve Mallows (RGS 1970-76). Though these are of a relatively recent vintage (from a mere 40 years ago!), they feature "oldies but goldies" - Taffy Davies, Bilge Leighton-Jones, David "Benny" Jones, and a very youthful Roy Page.
1963/64 Photo of unidentified masters1967 Jug Band - photo kindly provided by Trevor Toms and Adrian Broadway.
1967 CCF Camp, Chivenor - photo kindly provided by Robin Stibbon
Contributors - a list of everyone who has kindly contributed to this website. Many thanks to everyone.
Page last edited: Wednesday March 5, 2025 10:33 PM