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John Saunders


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Event: Great Britain vs. Netherlands Match • all 16 games • last edited: Saturday December 23, 2023 6:44 PM
Venue: The Hague, Netherlands • Date: 11 & 13 April 1914 • Download PGN

Great Britain vs Netherlands Match, The Hague, 11 & 13 April 1914

 Bd  Netherlands Round 1 Round 2 Great Britain
1b Dr. Adolf Georg Olland 0-1 0-1 Henry Ernest Atkins
2w Johannes Fredericus Samuel (Jan) Esser 0-1 1-0 Fred Dewhirst Yates
3b Arnold Engelinus van Foreest 0-1 0-1 Thomas Francis Lawrence
4w Benjamin Leussen 0-1 0-1 Sir George Alan Thomas
5b Louis (Levie) Gans 0-1 1-0 Joseph Henry Blackburne
6w Klaas Geus 0-1 ½-½ Reginald Pryce Michell
7b Dirk van Foreest 1-0   Victor Leonard Wahltuch
  0-1 William Gibson
8w George Schelto Fontein ½-½   Joseph Henry Blake
  0-1 Harold Saunders
  11, 13 April 1914 1½-6½ 2½-5½ Venue: Pulchi Galleries, The Hague

BCM, May 1914, ppn 195-196

Great Britain versus Holland.—This international match, arranged by the British Chess Federation and the Dutch Chess Association, was duly contested at The Hague on Saturday, April 11th, and Monday, the 15th [misprint for 13th - JS].

It was intended that ten players should represent each side, and the full complement of British players was present, but greatly to the regret of the visitors Holland only mustered eight men, being without the services of Dr. Speijer, Dr. te Kolste and Mr. Shelfhout. Owing to the shortage of the opposition it was decided that two members of the British team should only play in one match, so that all the team might take part in the contest, which was a double-round one.

On April 11th the Dutch players suffered defeat by 6½ to 1½, but these figures do not represent the strength of the respective sides, as some of the games were very stubbornly fought. On the Monday the British representatives again won, and brought their final score to 12 to 4.

The visitors were most hospitably entertained. Dr. Moquette, president of the Dutch Chess Association, opened the proceedings in the Pulchi Galleries with a speech of welcome in English, and at the farewell dinner the health of Mr. J. H. Blackburne was toasted most enthusiastically.

In a communication addressed to the Chess Editor of The Field, Mr. H. E. Atkins gives the following explanation respecting the absence of some of the Dutch players:—

"I think I ought to say that the misunderstanding as to the number of players arose from the fact that one of the letters on the subject to the Dutch secretary was either wrongly addressed or delivered to the wrong person in Holland. As a consequence the letter arrived a week later, and the Dutch Association found it impossible to get two additional players at short notice, and telegraphed to England saying that they could not guarantee to play more than eight men."

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Date Notes
23 December 2023 First uploaded to BritBase with all 16 games. Thanks to Jan Kertsen for sending games and reference material.
All material © 2023 John Saunders