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John Saunders


BRITBASE - British Chess Game Archive

Tournament: 1st 4NCL (British Team Chess League) • Updated 12 September, 2024 3:40 PM
Venue: Various • Dates: 2 Oct 1993 - 8 May 1994 • Download PGN (208 of a possible 240 games available)

Please note that the above viewer does not show team data but this data is included in the PGN file and will be available if you download the file and view it using ChessBase or other database software. If you wish to check the players' team names whilst viewing, try clicking on the c8 square on the board and it will show you the full PGN of the game in a new browser window, including the team data.

Rounds 1 and 2: London, Barbican, 2-3 October 1993
Rounds 3 and 4: Bolton, 27-28 November 1993 *
Rounds 5 and 6: Cheltenham, 22-23 January 1994
Rounds 7 and 8: Liverpool, 19-20 March 1994
Rounds 9 and 10: Maidstone, 7-8 May 1994

* Not many of the games from the Bolton weekend are available (only 15 of a possible 48). If anyone knows the whereabouts of the round 3 and 4 scoresheets, please let me know.

This was the first season of the 4NCL (Four Nations' Chess League), with six teams of eight players meeting each other twice over ten rounds.

Rd 1 - London Barbican, October 2 1993

  Barbican     v   Bristol      Covent Garden   v  Invicta  Kts    NW Eagles    v   Slough
1 M Chandler  1-0 G Burgess     P Littlewood   1-0  N McDonald     K Arkell    1/2 S Taulbut
2 M Hebden    1-0 C Baker       D Agnos        1/2  P Morris       J Horner    0-1 J Richardson
3 C Crouch    1/2 C Beaumont    R Wade         1/2  A Stebbings    G Quillan   1/2 R Webb
4 C Thomson   0-1 M Truran      A Kinsman      1-0  C Chandler     J Carleton  0-1 Mi Houska
5 R Britton   1-0 P Richmond    M Levitt       0-1  A Hanreck      J L'lewood  1/2 N Davey
6 G Kenworthy 0-1 P Brooks      A Harley       1/2  A Mack         AA Smith    1-0 S Finn
7 A Lewis     0-1 J Richmond    C Forbes       1/2  J Sugden       D James     1-0 AP Smith
8 N Regan     0-1 D Collier     S Retallick    0-1  H Hunt         K Griffiths 1/2 J Houska
            3.5-4.5                            4-4                             4-4

Rd 2 - London Barbican, October 3 1993

  Slough       v   Barbican     Invicta Kts     v  NW Eagles       Bristol      v  Covent Gden
1 A Sum'scale 1/2 M Chandler    N McDonald     1/2  J Howell       G Burgess   0-1 P L'lewood
2 S Taulbut   0-1 M Hebden      P Morris       0-1  J Horner       C Baker     1/2 D Agnos
3 J Rich'son  0-1 P Wells       A Stebbings    1/2  G Quillan      M Truran    0-1 M Pein
4 Mi Houska   1/2 C Crouch      C Chandler     1-0  J Carleton     C Beaumont  0-1 A Harley
5 R Webb      0-1 R Britton     A Hanreck      1/2  J L'lewood     P Brooks    1/2 M Levitt
6 M McD-Ross  0-1 A Lewis       N Dickenson    1/2  AA Smith       P Richmond  1/2 C Duncan
7 AP Smith    1-0 D Sands       J Sugden       1/2  D James        T Headlong  1-0 P Griffiths
8 J Houska    0-1 N Regan       H Hunt         1-0  R Sheldon      J Richmond  1-0 C Forbes
              2-6                            4.5-3.5                         3.5-4.5

Rd 3 - Bolton, November 27, 1993

  Bristol      v   NW Eagles    Barbican        v  Covent Garden   Slough       v  Invicta Kts
1 A Law       0-1 K Arkell      M Chandler     1-0  P L'lewood     A Sum'scale 1/2 J Emms
2 G Burgess   0-1 J Horner      S Conquest     1/2  AD Martin      Mi Houska   0-1 C Ward
3 S Ansell    1-0 G Quillan     G Flear        1-0  C Dunworth     J Rich'son  1/2 N McDonald
4 C Beaumont  1-0 J Carleton    R Britton      1/2  A Harley       R Webb      1-0 IR Watson
5 M Truran    0-1 J L'lewood    G Kenworthy    1-0  C Duncan       S Finn      1/2 S Bibby
6 P Richmond  0-1 AA Smith      P Byway        1-0  C Forbes       AP Smith    1/2 A Hanreck
7 J Richmond  0-1 D Knox        G Taylor       1-0  L Smart        S Carr      0-1 N Dickenson
8 K Brown     0-1 R Sheldon     N Regan        1-0  L McShane      J Houska    0-1 H Hunt
              2-6                              7-1                             3-5

Rd 4 - Bolton, November 28, 1993

   NW Eagles   v   Barbican     Invicta Kts     v  Bristol         Covent Gden  v  Slough
1 K Arkell    1/2 M Chandler    J Emms         1-0  A Law          P L'lewood  1/2 A Sum'scale
2 J Horner    0-1 S Conquest    C Ward         1-0  G Burgess      A Martin    1/2 J Richardson
3 G Quillan   0-1 G Flear       N McDonald     1-0  C Beaumont     A Harley    1/2 Mi Houska
4 J Carleton  0-1 R Britton     IR Watson      1/2  S Ansell       C Dunworth  1/2 R Webb
5 J L'lewood  1/2 G Kenworthy   S Bibby        1-0  M Truran       C Duncan    1-0 S Finn
6 AA Smith    1/2 P Byway       A Hanreck      1/2  T Headlong     L McShane   0-1 AP Smith
7 D Knox      1-0 G Taylor      N Dickenson    1-0  J Richmond     L Smart     1/2 S Carr
8 R Sheldon   1-0 N Regan       H Hunt         1-0  P Richmond     C Forbes    1-0 J Houska
            3.5-4.5                            7-1                           4.5-3.5

Rd 5 - Cheltenham, January 22, 1994

   Barbican    v   Invicta Kts  NW Eagles       v  Covent Garden   Slough       v Bristol
1 M Hebden    1-0 J Emms        J Howell       1-0  P L'lewood     A Sum'scale 1/2 M Hennigan
2 G Flear     0-1 D King        J Horner       1/2  A Martin       D Cummings  1-0 C Baker
3 S Conquest  1/2 C Ward        G Quillan      1-0  A Harley       J Rich'son  1/2 A Law
4 C Crouch    0-1 D Kumaran     J L'lewood     0-1  G Wall         Mi Houska   1/2 C Beaumont
5 C Pritchett 1-0 N McDonald    B Lund         1/2  J Goldberg     R Webb      1/2 G Burgess
6 R Britton   1-0 C Cooley      AA Smith       1/2  S Berntsen     R Noyce     0-1 S Ansell
7 G Kenworthy 1-0 S Bibby       D James        1-0  C Dunworth     AP Smith    1/2 M Truran
8 N Regan     1/2 H Hunt        R Sheldon      1/2  T Hinks-Ed's   J Houska    1/2 J Richmond
              5-3                              5-3                             4-4

Rd 6 - Cheltenham, January 23, 1994

   Invicta Kts v   Covent Gden  Bristol         v  Barbican        Slough       v  NW Eagles
1 J Emms      1-0 A Martin      M Hennigan     1/2 M Hebden        A Sum'scale 1/2 J Howell
2 D King      0-1 P L'lewood    CW Baker       0-1 G Flear         D Cummings  0-1 J Horner
3 C Ward      1-0 G Wall        A Law          1-0 C Crouch        J Rich'son  1-0 G Quillan
4 N McDonald  1/2 A Harley      C Beaumont     1/2 C Pritchett     Mi Houska   0-1 J L'lewood              
5 I Watson    1/2 S Berntsen    G Burgess      0-1 R Britton       R Webb      1-0 B Lund                 
6 S Bibby     1/2 J Goldberg    S Ansell       1-0 AP Lewis        AP Smith    1-0 AA Smith
7 N Dickenson 1-0 C Dunworth    M Truran       1/2 P Byway         R Noyce     1/2 D James
8 S Scott     0-1 T Hinks-Ed's  K Collett      0-1 N Regan         J Houska    1/2 R Sheldon
            4.5-3.5                          3.5-4.5                         4.5-3.5

Rd 7 - Liverpool, March 19, 1994

   Covent Gden v   Bristol      NW Eagles       v  Invicta Kts     Barbican    v  Slough
1 P L'lewood  0-1 M Hennigan    K Arkell       1/2 C Ward          G Flear    1/2 A Sum'scale
2 A Harley    1/2 S Ansell      G Quillan      1-0 A Ivanov        R Britton  0-1 D Cummings
3 M Franklin  0-1 C Baker       J Horner       0-1 N McDonald      C Pritch't 1/2 J Rich'son
4 C Dunworth  0-1 C Beaumont    J L'lewood     1/2 G Clark         G Kenw'thy 0-1 Mi Houska
5 J Goldberg  0-1 P Brooks      AA Smith       1-0 A Hanreck       A Lewis    1/2 R Webb
6 M O'Siochru 0-1 M Truran      D Tebb         1/2 N Dickenson     P Byway    1-0 S Finn
7 M Burrows   0-1 T Mordue      D James        0-1 S Bibby         G Taylor   0-1 AP Smith
8 P Kelly     1/2 J Harwar      R Sheldon      1-0 H Hunt          N Regan    1/2 J Houska
              1-7                            4.5-3.5                          3-5

Rd 8 - Liverpool, March 20, 1994

   NW Eagles   v   Bristol      Invicta Kts     v  Slough          Covent Gden v  Barbican
1 K Arkell    1/2 M Hennigan    C Ward         1/2 A Sum'scale     P L'lewood 0-1 R Britton
2 J Horner    0-1 S Ansell      A Ivanov       1/2 D Cummings      A Harley   0-1 G Flear
3 G Quillan   1/2 C Baker       N McDonald     1-0 J Rich'son      M Franklin 0-1 C Pritchett
4 J L'lewood  0-1 C Beaumont    G Clark        1/2 Mi Houska       J Goldberg 0-1 G Kenworthy
5 AA Smith    1/2 P Brooks      A Hanreck      1/2 R Webb          C Dunworth 0-1 A Lewis
6 B Lund      1/2 M Truran      N Dickenson    1-0 S Finn          M Burrows  0-1 P Byway
7 D Tebb      1/2 T Mordue      S Bibby        0-1 AP Smith        M O'Siochr 0-1 G Taylor
8 R Sheldon   1-0 J Harwar      H Hunt         1-0 J Houska        P Kelly    1/2 N Regan
            3.5-4.5                            5-3                          0.5-7.5

Rd 9 - Maidstone, May 7, 1994

   Barbican    v  NW Eagles     Bristol         v  Invicta Kts     Slough      v  Covent Gden
1 B Lalic     1-0 G Quillan     C Beaumont     0-1 M Sadler        J Rich'son 0-1 P L'lewood
2 G Flear     1-0 B Lund        A Law          1/2 J Emms          A Sum'scal 1/2 D Agnos
3 C Crouch    1-0 C Kennaugh    S Ansell       1/2 C Ward          D Cummings 1/2 A Ledger
4 S Lalic     1-0 D Tebb        C Baker        1/2 A Ivanov        Mi Houska  1/2 A Harley
5 R Britton   1/2 DJ James      P Brooks       1/2 N McDonald      R Webb     1-0 G Wall
6 C Pritchett 1-0 S Carr        M Truran       1/2 G Clark         AP Smith   0-1 M Franklin
7 A Lewis     1-0 And Dyce      T Mordue       1/2 C Chandler      R Noyce    1-0 L McShane
8 P Byway     1-0 Abi Dyce      J Richmond     0-1 H Hunt          J Houska   0-1 I Lauterbach
            7.5-0.5                            3-5                          3.5-4.5

Rd 10 - Maidstone, May 8, 1994

   Invicta Kts v  Barbican      Covent Gden     v  NW Eagles       Bristol     v  Slough
1 M Sadler    0-1 B Lalic       P L'lewood     0-1 G Quillan       A Law      1/2 A Sum'scale
2 J Emms      1/2 G Flear       D Agnos        1-0 B Lund          S Ansell   0-1 D Cummings
3 C Ward      1-0 C Crouch      A Ledger       1-0 C Kennaugh      C Baker    0-1 J Rich'son
4 A Ivanov    1-0 R Britton     N Povah        0-1 D Tebb          C Beaumont 1-0 Mi Houska
5 N McDonald  1-0 S Lalic       G Wall         1-0 D James         M Truran   0-1 R Webb
6 P Morris    1/2 C Pritchett   A Harley       1/2 S Carr          P Brooks   0-1 AP Smith
7 N Dickenson 1-0 A Lewis       M Franklin     1/2 An Dyce         T Mordue   1/2 R Noyce
8 H Hunt      1/2 P Byway       I Lauterbach   1/2 Ab Dyce         J Richmond 1-0 J Houska
            5.5-2.5                          4.5-3.5                          3-5


  4NCL 1993/94 1 2 3 4 5 6 G/Pts M/Pts
 1  Invicta Knights
5½-2½ 4½-3½ 5-3 4½-3½ 7-1 47 15-5
2 Barbican 5-3
7-1 3-5 7½-½ 3½-4½ 51 14-6
3 Covent Garden 4-4 ½-7½
4½-3½ 4½-3½ 1-7 31 9-11
4 Slough 3-5 2-6 3½-4½
4½-3½ 4-4 37½ 8-12
5 North West Eagles 4½-3½ 3½-4½ 5-3 4-4
3½-4½ 37½ 7-13
6 Bristol 3-5 3½-4½ 3½-4½ 3-5 2-6
36 7-13


File Updated

Date Notes
04 May 2016 Original upload of 204 of the 240 games played in the first season (1993/94) of the 4NCL (Four Nations' Chess League-the British Team Championship).
12 May 2020 Added a game from round 4 - Arkell ½-½ Chandler.
03 March 2021 Added two games contributed by Alan Smith: A.A.Smith 1-0 P.Richmond, Rd 3, 27.11.1993 and P.Byway ½-½ A.A.Smith, Rd 4, 28.11.1993. Many thanks to Alan.
19 August 2021 Added one game: AP Smith 1-0 L McShane, rd 4 - contributed by Andy Ansel, who found it in Andrew Smith's book Off the Board Chess. Thanks, Andy. Running total of games now 208.