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BRITBASE - British Chess Game Archive

Player: George Philip Stanley Coy (1917-2019) • updated: Tuesday February 25, 2025 10:52 AM
80 games (73 complete, 7 part) played between 1934 and 1942 • Download PGN

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8 May 2020 74 games, played and annotated by one of the country's most dedicated and longest-lived amateur players, George Philip Stanley Coy (1917-2019), known as Philip Coy. He kept notebooks of his games, and the first of these (entitled 'My Best Games, Vol. 1') has kindly been sent by his family to Kevin Thurlow who has input the games and annotations. Kevin asked me to publish this on BritBase and I was pleased to do so. Coy was a strong competition player - I've seen grades for him in the 180s (roughly equivalent to 2000-2100 in Elo terms). He was a career civil servant in Customs and played in civil service chess competitions and matches for many years as well as for his county, Kent. He won the Civil Service (Barstow) cup in 1936, 1937, 1957 and 1970, and the Kent championship in 1939. He moved to Sussex in 1979 and played in the Hastings team alongside players such as Stuart Conquest. Though he stopped playing OTB chess earlier, he only gave up correspondence chess when he turned 100! I am grateful to Kevin for supplying the games and info, and to Philip Coy's daughters for giving their permission to publish. Note, these games and part-games are all extensively annotated. Short biography by Kevin Thurlow, English Forum and obituary by Kevin Thurlow, English Chess Forum.
30 June 2022 Six further games added: (1) the end part of G.Coy 1-0 G.Shedden, Kent Championship, contributed by Gerard Killoran via the English Chess Forum, 29 June 2022; (2) W.Korn 0-1 G.Coy, Army v Rest corr 1942, contributed by Tim Harding via the English Chess Forum, 18 February 2021; (3) M.Paris 0-1 G.Coy, BCCA Premier 1942/43; (4) G.Coy 0-1 W.Korn, corr 1942; (5) J.Vivante Sowter 1-0 G.Coy, corr 2000; (6) G.Coy ½-½ J.Vivante Sowter, corr 2000. Many thanks to Tim Harding and Gerard Killoran.
5 December 2022 Brian Denman has contributed further information regarding three of Coy's games. We now know the result of the adjudicated game Noel-Johnson vs Coy (currently game number 51) which was played 17 June 1939 - a world record for late notification of an adjudication result?! Coy lost. There is also some further information as regards Coy vs Reginald Frederick B Jones (game number 42) and Coy vs Collar (game 43). Many thanks to Brian.
26 March 2024 File regenerated, after updating some forenames, etc. Running total 80 games (73 complete games, 7 part-games).
25 February 2025 Added the game G Coy 1-0 G Nurse, unknown event, 1942.