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Monarch Assurance Isle of Man International
23 September - 1 October 2006
Last updated:
Thursday, August 24, 2017 0:08 AM
Tournament: Monarch Assurance PLC 15th International Chess Tournament
Venue: The Ocean Castle Hotel, Port Erin, Isle of Man
Dates: Saturday 23 September to Sunday 1 October 2006
Sponsored by: Monarch Assurance, the Isle of Man Tourism Department, Cains Advocates of Douglas and the Port Erin Commissioners.
The tournament is dedicated to the memory of Richard
Furness. This is the official website for the tournament.

Opening moves being made by Mr Patrick Taylor (of Monarch Assurance)
for Joanna Dworakowska,
and David Cretney (IOM Tourism minister) for Mark Ferguson.
15th Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Masters, 23 Sept - 1 Oct 2006 |
Latest: Alexander Areshchenko wins on tie-break from
Sergey Volkov - both scored 7/9.
IM Norms for Gary Quillan and Anna Zatonskih
Masters an open 9-round Swiss - 23 September to
1 October 2006 (Venue: Ocean Castle Hotel, Port Erin)
Tony Bridson Memorial players rated under 2000 / ECF grade
175 or unrated/ungraded (Venue: Cherry Orchard Hotel, Port Erin)
Dennis Hemsley Tournament players graded under ECF 130,
or unrated/ungraded (Venue: Cherry Orchard Hotel, Port Erin)
(Both these events are 7 round Swisses 25 September to 1 October)
NOTE: Vladimir Akopian will give a simultaneous display against ten schoolchildren at the end of the tournament, 1 October 2006, approx. 6pm.This is to be sponsored by Cains Advocates of Douglas.
Masters is registered as an Association
of Chess Professionals event.
FREE REFRESHMENTS are available during play Smoking is not allowed in the playing venues The use of mobile phones is forbidden in the playing venues (if phone activated, loss of the game) Spectators are welcome and admission is free
Opening Ceremony: Saturday 23 September at 1pm
All events are part of the English Chess Federation (ECF) Grand Prix Title norms are possible in the Masters
The highest placed eligible player in the Masters will qualify for the 2007 British Chess Championships.
Congress Director/Organiser - Dennis Hemsley
Chief Arbiter: David Welch; international arbiters Peter
Purland and David Sedgwick
Open to all
Prizes £3,000, £2,000, £1,500, £1,000, £800,
£600, £500, £400, £300, £200
Prizes of £200 for players rated 1801-2050, 2051-2200, 2201-2300,
All the rating prizes are each for the best improvement in rating using
Best score by an unrated player £200
If there is only one entry in such categories, the player must score at
least 3/9 in order to be awarded this prize
Best Game Prize £500
Prizes of £200 for the best score by a Senior (over 60),
Female, Junior (Under 18), Manx.
All English entrants to the Masters must be members of the English Chess Federation and should quote their membership number when entering.
Conditions, including flights within the UK, accommodation, breakfast and evening meals and start money may be available for certain titled players. Players must pay own flights to the Isle of Man. UK to Isle of Man flights or ferry will be reimbursed on production of travel receipt. You should apply in confidence to Dennis Hemsley.
It is unlikely any support will be available after July. Players from the British Isles, females and the first entrant from their federation tend to be favoured.
Players wishing to have their flights within the UK and accommodation prepaid for them must pay a deposit of £100 in advance. This is because several leading players failed to honour their commitment in the past, leading to a waste of several thousand pounds. By agreeing to play in the masters and returning the completed entry form, players are reminded that this is a form of contract.
Masters Schedule: Saturday 23 September to Sunday 1 October 2006
Play: Rounds 1-8 - 1.30 to 8.30pm. Round 9 - 10.30am to 5.30pm
Rate of play: 40 moves in 2 hours, 20 moves in 1 hour, all the moves in
30 minutes
Entry Fee: GMs, IMs, WGMs or WIMs and registered disabled players:
Seniors, Females and Juniors: £14
All others: £25
ECF Direct Members may deduct £3 from the entry fee
Penalty Fee: £10 for entries made after 12 September 2006
Click here for further notes
players rated under 2000 or ECF 175, or unrated/ungraded.
Players eligible to play in the Minor may nonetheless play in this event.
Photo shows the late Tony Bridson (left) and Dennis Hemsley
Prizes £600, £500, £400
Prizes of £200 for players in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grading
All grading prizes are for the best improvement in grading performance,
relative to the player's published grade.
Prizes of £200 for the best score by a Senior (over 60),
Female, Under 18, Manx.
Schedule: Monday 25 September to Sunday 1 October 2006
Play: Rounds 1-6: 1 to 7pm. Round 7: 10.30am to 4.30pm
Rate of play: 40 moves in 2 hours, all the moves in 1 hour
Entry Fee:
Registered disabled players: free
Seniors, Females and Juniors: £10
All others: £22
ECF Direct Members may deduct £2 from the entry fee
Penalty Fee: £10 for entries made after 12 September 2006
Click here for further notes
For players graded under 130 (1640), or unrated/ungraded
Prizes £400, £300, £200
Prizes of £150 for players in the 2nd, 3rd, grading group
All grading prizes are for the best improvement in grading performance
relative to the player's published grade.
Prizes of £150 for the best score by a Senior (over 60),
Female, Under 18, Manx
Schedule: Monday 25 September to Sunday 1 October 2006
Play: Rounds 1-6: 1-7pm, Round 7: 10.30am to 4.30pm
Rate of play: 40 moves in 2 hours, all the moves in 1 hour
Entry Fee: Registered Disabled players: free
Senior, Females and Juniors: £7
All others: £15
ECF Direct Members may deduct £2 from the entry fee
Penalty Fee: £10 for entries made after 12 September 2006
Isle of Man website:
2007 Tournament Director/Organiser 2006 Tournament Director/Organiser 2006/2007 Webmaster: John Saunders
Main Sponsors