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13th Monarch Assurance Isle of Man International
25 Sept - 3 Oct 2004
Last updated: Monday, August 21, 2017 5:49 PM
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Round 7 - 1 October 2004 - "Calf of Man"
Saunders reports: I was telling you yesterday how my tournament
colleagues abandoned me at the Ocean Castle Hotel to kick my heels while
they swanned off round the island on their nice coach. I managed to find
a few useful things to do (besides plot my revenge).
Firstly I had a nice chat about the chess world with Serbian GM Milos Pavlovic, who was helping me to input his game against Sergey Volkov. Rather rudely, I told him that this was my nightmare pairing, which I had seen coming some days before. Neither of them has legible handwriting and they weren't going to let me off with a nice quick draw, oh no. They played on until there were just two kings left on the board. Two pages of undecipherable squiggles each. Actually it was amusing to find that Milos couldn't read his own handwriting either, but he has a typically impressive grandmaster memory and remembered most of the moves immediately.
There are still two more nightmare pairings left to come: either of the players I have already mentioned against Korchnoi. Would you like to see one of Korchnoi's scoresheets? I don't have a scanner here but I've taken a picture of one of Viktor's scores (left). Do you reckon you could figure it out? No, neither do I. There is something in the laws of chess about handing in a legible score. That gave me a bright idea - why, when Korchnoi hands in his score, don't the arbiters point out to him that his scoresheets are illegible? I suggested this to one of the Monarch arbiters. He didn't say anything, but he started to look rather pale.
Time for a Walk
It was very pleasant talking to Milos, but eventually I needed some exercise. Instead of the usual stroll up to Bradda Head and the Milner Tower (which seems to be getting steeper year by year - or is it the extra weight I'm carrying?), I decided to walk round the other side of the bay and take a look at the Calf of Man. This is a small uninhabited island just off one of the headlands of Port Erin, and which is used as a nature reserve. There is a lighthouse there where Dennis Hemsley used to work. Maybe that is where the idea for the chess tournament came from. So I was keen to see the birthplace of the Monarch Assurance chess tournament.
The Calf of Man, beyond the headland, looking West towards Ireland
The Calf of Man is clearly visible from Bradda Head, but not from Port Erin itself. Viewed from Bradda, the walk from Port Erin to the Calf of Man looks like an amiable stroll around the headland. But I should have known better than that. Uphill walking always takes longer than you think. It is actually a good hour's walk, up and down hill, and quite strenuous if you have a sedentary lifestyle like me (my father would phrase that more succinctly - the words "bone idle" would have appeared somewhere in the sentence).
But my sheer determination to get to the end of the headland eventually overcame my lack of fitness. It is a beautiful view across to the little island, and you can make out the outline of the Mountains of Mourne across the sea in Ireland.
Anyway, the picture above is better to look at than Viktor's scoresheet, isn't it? Incidentally, this morning I discovered why the island is called the Calf of Man - both calves of this particular man are aching today after the 2½ walk there and back. But it was well worth it.
Round 7, top board: Nakamura vs Chandler
As for the leaders: Korchnoi drew an even game with Baklan. Chandler tried very hard against Nakamura but was just held at bay by some clever defence. So the same three players are the leaders going into the penultimate round. Ten further players are half a point behind them.
Nakamura,H (2601) - Chandler,M (2531)
Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Port Erin IOM (7.1), 01.10.2004
Both the top seeds had disastrous games and dropped out of contention. In a perfectly reasonable position Milov tried a combination which had a glaring flaw and lost trivially.
Kiriakov,P (2555) - Milov,V (2683) [A43]
Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Port Erin IOM (7.5), 01.10.2004
Smirin played unaccountably badly and lost to Handke. But the German played bravely and there were handshakes all round from his fellow countrymen after the game.

(2671) - Handke,F (2461) [B47]
Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Port Erin IOM (7.6), 01.10.2004
1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nc6 5 Nc3 Qc7 6 g3 a6 7 Bg2 d6 8 0-0 Be7 9 Nxc6 bxc6 10 Na4 Rb8 [10 ..Bb7 and 10...Nf6 have been played here] 11 Re1 c5 12 e5 d5 13 c4 d4 14 b3 h5
Harmen Jonkman went astray in an endgame against Irish player Anthony Fox.
Jonkman,H (2425) - Fox,A (2123)
Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Port Erin IOM (7.30), 01.10.2004
A nice finish from Frank Holzke...
Howell,D (2334) - Holzke,F (2492)
Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Port Erin IOM (7.16), 01.10.2004
A neat finish by the German player: 32 ..b4! 33 Kd2 [33 axb4 a3 is hopeless] 33 ..bxa3! 0-1 [34 Kxc3 and now 34 ..d4+! deflects the white king away from the defence of the key b2 square.]
... and an unlucky finish for Karl McPhillips, who is nevertheless having an impressive tournament...
Sarakauskas,G (2442) - McPhillips,K (2172)
Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Port Erin IOM (7.19), 01.10.2004
Round 7 Bd WHITE Result BLACK 1 NAKAMURA,Hikaru 2601 (5) ½ - ½ CHANDLER,Murray 2531 (5) 2 KORCHNOI,Viktor 2568 (5) ½ - ½ BAKLAN,Vladimir 2595 (4½) 3 VOLKOV,Sergey 2625 (4½) ½ - ½ GHAEM MAGHAMI,Eh 2552 (4½) 4 CONQUEST,Stuart 2488 (4½) ½ - ½ PAVLOVIC,Milos 2498 (4½) 5 KIRIAKOV,Petr 2555 (4) 1 - 0 MILOV,Vadim 2683 (4) 6 SMIRIN,Ilya 2671 (4) 0 - 1 HANDKE,Florian 2461 (4) 7 MOISEENKO,Alexan 2640 (4) 1 - 0 MCNAB,Colin 2427 (4) 8 WELLS,Peter 2494 (4) 0 - 1 KOTRONIAS,Vassil 2608 (4) 9 ZHONG,Zhang 2603 (4) 1 - 0 BANNINK,Bernard 2280 (4) 10 SPRENGER,Jan Mic 2477 (4) ½ - ½ AGREST,Evgenij 2602 (4) 11 SCHNEIDER,Dmitry 2454 (4) ½ - ½ ROGERS,Ian 2588 (4) 12 BOSBOOM-LANCHAVA 2370 (4) ½ - ½ ROWSON,Jonathan 2558 (4) 13 KULAOTS,Kaido 2593 (3½) ½ - ½ PERT,Richard 2407 (3½) 14 WILLIAMS,Simon K 2427 (3½) ½ - ½ SPEELMAN,Jon 2555 (3½) 15 COX,John 2314 (3½) 0 - 1 GALLAGHER,Joseph 2541 (3½) 16 HOWELL,David W 2334 (3½) 0 - 1 HOLZKE,Frank 2492 (3½) 17 GREET,Andrew N 2310 (3½) ½ - ½ RAMESH,Ramachadr 2484 (3½) 18 HUTCHINSON,Paul 2216 (3½) ½ - ½ ARAKHAMIA-GRANT, 2446 (3½) 19 SARAKAUSKAS,Gedi 2442 (3½) 1 - 0 MCPHILLIPS,Karl 2172 (3½) 20 AFEK,Yochanan 2325 (3) ½ - ½ GRAFL,Florian 2411 (3½) 21 RAMASWAMY,Aarthi 2299 (3) 0 - 1 IORDACHESCU,Vior 2633 (3) 22 RENDLE,Thomas 2258 (3) 1 - 0 BERZINSH,Roland 2455 (3) 23 SKRIPCHENKO,Almi 2453 (3) ½ - ½ ZAWADZKA,Jolanta 2272 (3) 24 PEEK,Marcel 2406 (3) 1 - 0 MURTAGH,Dermot 1889 (3) 25 ASHTON,Adam 2270 (3) ½ - ½ GOTTSCHLICH,Cars 2382 (3) 26 SPENCE,David 2236 (3) ½ - ½ HOUSKA,Jovanka 2375 (3) 27 GRANT,Alan 2193 (3) 0 - 1 ARMBRUSTER,Alexa 2351 (3) 28 GORDON,Stephen 2338 (3) 1 - 0 HAGESAETHER,Arne 2101 (3) 29 MANNION,Steve R. 2333 (3) 1 - 0 TWITCHELL,Nevill 2003 (3) 30 JONKMAN,Harmen 2425 (2½) 0 - 1 FOX,Anthony 2123 (2½) 31 RUOFAN,Li 2414 (2½) 1 - 0 PLANT,Paul R 2107 (2½) 32 ADAMS,Phil 2124 (2½) 0 - 1 KOLBUS,Dietmar 2303 (2½) 33 BIGG,Andrew J 2275 (2½) 1 - 0 HORTON,Justin 2091 (2½) 34 GROFFEN,Hans 2244 (2½) 1 - 0 NICHOLSON,John 1834 (2½) 35 FRASER-MITCHELL, 2082 (2½) 1 - 0 ALLEN,Keith 2241 (2½) 36 WALTON,Alan J 2208 (2½) 1 - 0 MILLIGAN,Helen 2077 (2½) 37 CANNON,Richard 2060 (2½) 1 - 0 SMITH,Andrew P 2205 (2½) 38 SPANTON,Tim 2004 (2½) ½ - ½ DUNN,Andrew 2192 (2½) 39 GOODGER,Martyn 2136 (2½) ½ - ½ VAN KEMENADE,Rud 2107 (2) 40 HUTCHINSON,Norma 2176 (2) ½ - ½ NOORDHOEK,Henk 2095 (2) 41 COLLIER,David O. 2168 (2) 0 - 1 HENRICHSEN,Jens 2084 (2) 42 WERNER,Gert 2085 (2) 0 - 1 ALMOND,Richard J 2158 (2) 43 WAUGH,Jonathan C 1885 (2) 0 - 1 LUTTON,J Ezra 2134 (2) 44 PIMMINGSTORFER,C 2116 (2) 0 - 1 BENNION,David A. 2052 (2) 45 TRUMAN,Richard G 2023 (1½) 0 - 1 PYM,Thomas W 2059 (1½) 46 FAIRBAIRN,Steve 2057 (1½) ½ - ½ GORKA,Carl 1882 (1½) 47 DOSSETT,Christop 1886 (1½) ½ - ½ WEBSTER,Richard 2008 (1½) 48 DE LAGONTRIE,Jea 1968 (½) 0 - 1 MARKS,Ian 1910 (1)